
Medicine At the Middle of the Night: You Got It

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Posted By Lowell Linear

The pharmacist personally ensures delivery, says the decree. Order preparation can only be done within the pharmacy in a space suitable for this purpose. In addition, although a website is accessible worldwide, the merchant must comply with the regulations of the country in which he sells the medicine, including the list of medicines authorized for sale online. Thus, no site is allowed to sell Viagra or a generic to a consumer, because it is a drug that can be issued with a prescription. You can buy oxycodone online overnight and come up with the best options for the same now.

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The signs that must alert

Internet sales stars, sexual stimulants such as Viagra or Cyalis cannot be offered legally by e-pharmacies because they are only issued on prescription. Some fraudulent sites even offer to provide a fake prescription online, which is just as illegal. The price must also challenge: the average cost of a pack of 4 Viagra tablets is around 50 dollars in pharmacies. The products sold at a lower price are therefore likely to be counterfeited.Other signs that should alert you: spelling errors or an approximate, a telephone or fax number does not contain the correct number of digits or a URL that does not match the name of the site.

Why all these precautions?

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that about 50% of medicines sold on the Internet are falsified medicines. These products whose quality could not be controlled can either contain toxic products or be ineffective.

Buying drugs online is a big puzzle for many of us. Is it legal? Can we trust the Internet? How to be sure that the proposed drugs are not counterfeits? Can I buy drugs that require a prescription? How and where to buy them? Let’s try to help you see things more clearly.

Online medicine sales in Europe

In this country, and recently, the sale and delivery of over-the-counter medicines on the Internet is permitted. Given the nature of the product drug, this e-commerce activity is, fortunately, very strictly supervised.

In this country, for example, the sale of medicines online can only be done via websites directly attached to a physical pharmacy, a pharmacy that has previously obtained authorization from the Regional Health Agency (ARS) which it depends. The National Order of Pharmacists also maintains a list of the source of e-pharmacies authorized to sell non-prescription drugs online.

In this country, the market for the online sale of medicines is described as particularly lagging behind other European countries, since only the sale of non-prescription medicines is allowed. Germany, the United Kingdom and a majority of Nordic countries allow the online sale of all prescription and non-prescription drugs. What sets these countries apart is the affiliation or not to a physical pharmacy.

Thus, in a majority of European countries, it is legal to buy drugs online with or without a prescription. On the other hand, the conditions are different, and it is up to the consumer to be vigilant about the choice of his online pharmacy.

How to make sure the online pharmacy is reliable?

The main precaution to take before ordering medicine online is to check that the online pharmacy is licensed. The European Community, through Regulation, has required online pharmacies that have obtained an authorization to use and affix a logo. This common logo should appear in all parts of the site that offers medications.

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